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Home | Attorneys | Criminal Justice Act (CJA)

Mega-Case Budgeting Criteria

General Budgeting Rules
All capital or potential capital cases must be budgeted
Non–capital “mega-cases” must be budgeted where the attorney hours are anticipated to exceed 300 or the total cost is over $46,000
When there is a “no seek” in a capital case, you should contact the CBA to discuss the case status and to determine if preparation of a mega-case budget is appropriate.
Signs of A Mega Case
1. Large discovery cases
2. Complex cases
3. Large multiple defendant cases
4. Cases where the participants are non-English speakers, especially where the language spoken is exotic or unusual
5. Cases where a defendant has mental health issues
6. Large indictments with multiple counts
7. Indictments where terrorism is alleged
8. Securities or other major fraud indictments
9. Wiretap cases especially where foreign languages are involved
10. RICO cases
11. Organized crime cases
12. Drug trafficking/Drug kingpin cases
13. Gang cases
14. Any case where a plea appears out of the question because of such factors as immigration status or deportation consequences
15. Any case which appears, from an early stage, destined for trial
Last modified on 05/22/2024