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Creating A PDF From Word Or WordPerfect

Creating a PDF from a Microsoft Word document


These instructions apply to converting a Microsoft Word document to PDF with Adobe Acrobat Professional or Acrobat Standard. If another vendor's software is used to create a PDF, please consult that vendor's instructions.


There are three basic options for creating a PDF from a MS Word 2010 document.


The first option is to select the Acrobat tab above the ribbon.


Convert to Adobe PDF



On the far left of the Acrobat ribbon, click Create PDF.


The second option is to click the File tab above the ribbon at the far left. Then click Save as Adobe PDF.



View Toolbars



The third option is to click the File tab, then Print. If Adobe PDF is set as a printer, select Adobe PDF from the printer menu.


Click on Adobe icon



Then click Print.


Location for saving PDF



Regardless of which option is chosen, the Save Adobe PDF File As dialog box opens. Navigate to the folder where the PDF is to be saved, insure that the correct file name appears in the File name box, and click Save.


Conversion process



The PDF document is saved in the designated location, and it opens automatically. The document is text-searchable with no additional actions.


Conversion complete



Creating a PDF from a WordPerfect document


Similarly, WordPerfect X5 offers two options for creating a PDF from a WordPerfect document.


The first option is to click the File tab at the upper left, then select Publish to PDF… from the File menu.



WordPerfect File Print



The second option is to click the File tab at the upper left, then select Print… from the File menu.


Select print



The Print to dialog box opens. Select Adobe PDF from the [Printer] Name pull-down menu. Click the Print button at the bottom of the dialog box.


Save dialog box



Depending on which option is chosen, the Publish to PDF or Save Adobe PDF File As dialog box opens. Navigate to the folder where the PDF is to be saved, insure that the correct file name appears in the File name box, and click Save.


Saved PDF document



The PDF document is saved in the designated location, and it opens automatically. The document is text-searchable with no additional actions.


Saved PDF document



Last modified at 5/23/2016